Episode 208 The Dream Show: The kangaroo, the cook, and the baby

Episode 208 The Kangaroo, the Cook, and the Baby, Jane Teresa Anderson dreams

My guest this episode is Gillian, from the south coast of Australia. Gillian has had a recurring dream theme about forgetting to look after a baby, or neglecting a baby in some way, so when she had a dream about a baby with a positive ending, she was excited to discover what it meant.

In her dream, Gillian is enjoying a holiday at a Guest House, dining at a long table, when it’s announced that kangaroo is on the menu. She doesn’t want to eat kangaroo, so she decides to slip away and get pie instead, but someone says the cook will be cross if she eats pie. Kangaroo, it seems, is mandatory.

There’s a scene involving a tree inhabited by squatters, and a baby that is safe in Gillian’s arms but suffers traumatically when other people take a turn at holding her. Just when Gillian’s distress about the baby reaches a crescendo, a saviour steps in with a healing solution.

What does the dream mean? How does it relate to Gillian’s life, and how can she use the insight she gains from our exploration and interpretation of her dream to help resolve a key issue?

Towards the end of the episode, we talk about Gillian’s recurring dream theme about forgetting or neglecting babies – a common theme for many dreamers – and I take Gillian through a dream alchemy visualisation designed to bring her unconscious mind into alignment with the outcomes she’s seeking to achieve in life.


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