Episode 145 The Dream Show: Speaking up

Episode 145 The Dream Show Jane Teresa Anderson

Juana is my guest in this episode, with a dream about being on a television show to ask for help for her handicapped son. (Her son is not handicapped in waking life.) She was pleased with herself for speaking up on air, even though she felt exposed and a little ridiculous, and did not receive the help she had wanted. It was a different story when they stopped filming and the show director offered to help by taking her on a tour of ‘The Mission Above’, a tower where help was on hand. Her partner in the dream declined the offer, and Juana found herself unable to speak up and say yes to what seemed like her last chance to get help for her son.

To speak up or not to speak up, that is the question. But about what?

Fortunately Juana speaks up openly during this episode as we interpret her dream, relate it to what’s going on in her life, and discover what’s holding her back. Juana receives quite a momentous insight, as you’ll hear, and experiences a profound shift during the dream alchemy visualisation that I take her through.


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