Episode 114 The Dream Show: Venus Fly Trap

Episode 114 The Dream Show Jane Teresa Anderson

My guest on the show is Liza, asking about her spider dream. A spider named Venus Fly Trap! As always, dreams are not what they seem, and we unearth a very deep belief connecting way back, that has been influencing the way Liza’s relationships develop and unravel.

Of course we don’t leave it there. We move from awareness and insight to transformation, using dream alchemy techniques to transform Liza’s destructive belief into a constructive one that will result in more rewarding and sustaining relationships for her.

And you get to listen in to the whole process.

I choose not to hear my guests’ dreams before we start recording, and, since we do not edit our recordings, you get to experience exactly how it works, from my first hearing of the dream, to the interpretation, to the guests’ immediate responses as they relate the interpretation to what’s going on in their lives.

I believe this helps you, the listener, to understand the process and to absorb techniques and tips you can apply to your own dreams. Feedback tells me that this makes for exciting listening too, especially when the guests’ open up with their stories.

Liza’s spider named Venus Fly Trap enters her dream at the very end. Her dream involves a plane, a mysterious reference to 1931, an old school friend she hasn’t seen since they were both eleven, and an x-rated jogging scene. How do we put all this together?

It’s a fun episode and I know you’ll enjoy insights you can apply to your own dreams and life too.

Listen here (Episode 114)

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