Ep 74 update, Abigail: An unbelievable miracle

An Unbelievable Miracle Jane Teresa Anderson Dreams

“I did feel a major depression lift … I feel good connections, I feel accepted.  It’s an unbelievable miracle!”

– Abigail, on the outcome of having her dream interpreted in episode 74.

Having a dream interpreted and taking action by doing the prescribed dream alchemy practice creates life changing results. First up are immediate results – Abigail had felt a major depression lift shortly after appearing on The Dream Show to have her dream interpreted and experience the alchemy – then, some months later, deeper changes occur.

Here’s how Abigail expressed it in an email she sent me this week and asked me to share with you:

“It just hit me today how your dream interpretation and my work on the alchemy has actually changed my life.  I’m the one with the long dream about cheating on my husband with Tim, and not being able to go through with it because of Tim’s wife, the judgemental religious woman.

A few days before the dream I was deeply wishing and praying for a better support system after the birth of the second baby.

When the first baby was born, I sank into a terrible depression, and one main reason was due to not having a good community around to help with the overwhelming change.

In thinking about the arrival of the second, I realized I needed closer friends.  But I have always been lonely, the odd child who found it hard to make good connections.  Being more sociable is something I’ve worked on for a very long time, but haven’t ever been able to shake that feeling of not being accepted by the people around me.  I determined to change that, as we were moving to a new town.

In the dream, the guy I was trying to get together with was someone I described as charismatic, and the main reason I couldn’t connect with that inner charisma was due to an uptight, judgemental, and religious woman.

In the alchemy, I needed to change this woman into someone more accepting, flowing, and so on.  I didn’t fully understand what I was doing, but I did go through with the alchemy.

I did feel a major depression lift, as I’ve written you about before.  But in addition to less depression, there are practical out-workings of this inner change.  I have to share this with you.

Jane Teresa, we moved to a new town shortly before the birth of the second baby.  I fell into a group of friends very quickly!  And we are close, helping each other with our children, meeting regularly to do sewing and crafts together, and have discussions on all kinds of topics.  I feel good connections, I feel accepted.  It’s an unbelievable miracle!  :)”
Listen to Abigail’s dream: Episode 74


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