Dream interpretation: Slo-mo with glue feet

Slo Mo with Glue Feet Jane Teresa Anderson Dreams

Have you ever dreamed of trying to walk or run somewhere only your feet feel glued to the ground, or the air around you seems viscous and sticky, making what should be an easy pace into an intense gym workout? You have? It’s a very common dream theme. So what does it mean, and why is it so common?

This kind of dream tends to come up when you’re resisting progress with something in your life, usually a goal you’ve been working on, perhaps at work, or in your relationship. Commonly it may relate to someone else’s expectations of what you ‘should’ be achieving, and your dream shows your resistance to this, consciously or – more likely – unconsciously. When you have this dream ask what, in your life, seems delayed or slowed, and ask yourself what doubts or fears you might be holding onto, or why you might be hesitating. Look for clues in the rest of your dream.

[Extract from 101 Dream Interpretation Tips, Jane Teresa Anderson]

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