Dream interpretation: Radio 2UE, Finding home

Finding Home Jane Teresa Anderson Dreams

Vanessa called Radio 2UE when I was interpreting dreams on Tim Webster’s afternoon show earlier this month, to ask about her recurring dream which she’d been having for six months.

She was intrigued because a previous caller had asked about her recurring dream of never being able to find the right train station, or catch the train, and I had said that this was a common dream related to not getting going with goals, or taking the wrong approach, and that exploring these dreams reveals the personal reasons why each dreamer is experiencing these blocks.

“But I do get to the right train stations,” said Vanessa, “and I catch the right trains, buses, planes and taxis in my dreams, but for six months none of these dream vehicles have got me home and I’m left, in the dream, feeling distressed about not being able to get home.”

As with any recurring dream, the issue the dream is reflecting can be traced back to the first time you had the dream, so Vanessa’s dream related to an issue that began six months ago and was still troubling her.

“Do you feel that you’re on track, following the goals you set yourself, but somehow not getting time to yourself,” I asked, ‘as if you’re not finding that special place within your heart where you feel ‘at home’ and at peace with the world?”

It hit home (oops). Vanessa related to this, and this had indeed been the situation for the past six months.

Understanding a dream brings us awareness, and that awareness can help us to make better decisions for ourselves. This can be accelerated by applying dream alchemy, and I suggested to Vanessa that for her dream alchemy she visualise herself back in her dream, on the train, only this time arriving home, imagining the best possible kind of home, both in the material sense and in the emotional sense. What this does is train (oops again) Vanessa’s unconscious mind to become comfortable with permitting herself to enjoy coming home to her heart. This done, she will find herself taking waking life actions that support and therefore manifest this.

Home is where the heart is, if only we allow ourselves access.

In synchronicity, my son, Euan, and his band, The Rooftops, released their new single, Something so familiar, from their upcoming album on Friday.

In synchronicity, my son, Euan, and his band, The Rooftops, released their new single, Something so familiar, from their upcoming album on Friday.

In synchronicity, my son, Euan, and his band, The Rooftops, released their new single, Something so familiar, from their upcoming album on Friday. As Euan says, “Ever explored the world, had the time of your life, missed home and come back to realise that it’s actually the best place in the world?  ‘Something So Familiar’ is a song about coming home …”

Let the lyrics and the music reveal more.

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