Dream Interpretation Course

Learn Jane Teresa’s step-by-step system to meaningfully interpret your dreams and nightmares and gain powerful insight into yourself and your life.

Get the tools you need to transform your life in wonderfully enriching ways through interpreting and working with your dreams and nightmares.

A video-based course (for the hard of hearing, videos are captioned) with dream analyst, dream therapist, and author, Jane Teresa Anderson


How to Interpret Your Dreams Online Course Jane Teresa Anderson

Choose one of your dreams then follow the videos and notes

I designed this course, How to interpret your dreams, step-by-step, as a system that you can use over and over again to analyse and interpret any dream.

You begin by downloading your Dream Interpretation Chart, then watch the videos* (where you’ll meet me as I talk you through your course and the steps to take), read the notes, and follow my instructions as I guide you through filling in your Dream Interpretation Chart. By the end of the course, you’ll have your first dream interpretation recorded on your chart. You can repeat as many times as you wish, going through with different dreams or nightmares until the system becomes second nature to you.

* For the hard of hearing, videos are captioned (go to the settings wheel, switch on subtitles, choose ‘English auto-generated’).

At the end of this online course you will have the skills to meaningfully analyse, interpret, and understand your dreams using the tools, resources, and knowledge provided.

You get Lifetime access so you can revisit the course as many times as you wish over the years, learning at your own pace in your own time.


This course is for you if you tick one or more of these boxes

❏ You want an intelligent practical method you can use to interpret your dreams meaningfully.

❏ You want to gain more insight into yourself and your life through your dreams.

❏ You are at a crossroads in your life and want to find direction through your dreams.

❏ You know there are blocks holding you back in life and you are ready to identify and release them.

❏ You are curious about what your dreams mean and you’re ready to find answers.

❏ You want to tap into your creative source.

❏ You want to stop recurring dreams.

❏ You want to help your family and friends to interpret and understand their dreams.

❏ You have a feeling you’re missing valuable life-shaping information that is slipping away in your dreams.

❏ You are ready to welcome an abundance of powerful positive change into your life.

❏ You know your dreams hold valuable insight but you feel you’re not getting to the heart of what they really mean.


This course is NOT for you if:

✘ You’re looking for a dream dictionary approach: (This course does NOT use a dictionary approach. Symbols are personal and unique to each dreamer. I show you how to interpret symbols.)

✘ You’re looking for historical context and a review of dream theories. (This course takes a completely practical approach, teaching you the methods I use to interpret dreams, step-by-step.)


What you will learn

When you do this course, you’ll learn

  • How to put a dream interpretation together by completing the step-by-step Dream Interpretation Chart.
  • The skills to analyse, interpret, and understand your dreams and the dreams of others.
  • Key information about the nature of dreams and the process of dreaming, about recurring dreams, nightmares, seeing the past and the future in dreams, the role of dream symbols and dream dramas, and the question of whether dreams offer guidance.
  • A simple method to discover how your dream relates to your waking life.
  • How to identify the shadow side, and trace the issue your dream is processing back to its possible origin.
  • How to work with unresolved dreams to resolve issues and challenges in your life.
  • A method to identify the waking life problem or question your dream is processing.
  • How to uncover the unconscious patterns of behaviour (dictated by your unconscious beliefs, feelings, and memories) that are directing the way you are handling a waking life problem.
  • How to use a simple dream alchemy technique to change negative patterns you identify into positive patterns that create positive outcomes in your life.
  • What it means to dream of people you know, and how to identify what each person represents about you and your life.
  • A method to identify and resolve inner conflict.
  • Three different key methods to discover the meaning of dream symbols.
  • What you need to know to take advantage of the life-shaping information your dreams hold.


What people say

“I really enjoyed this course and got so much out of it. I loved the face to face feeling with your videos as well as the very thorough notes. As a long time sufferer of painful emotional and physiological responses to intense dreams and nightmares, I can’t tell you how much you have helped me to understand my dreams and my life patterns as well as helping me to receive more gentle messages in my sleep.  I now hope to help others.”
– Shauna Jenkins, Shauna Jenkins Coaching Australia

Monica Restrepo“I spent many years trying all kinds of therapies. Two recurring themes have always come up: ‘your relationships are a mirror into yourself’ and ‘your cure is inside you’. However, I never really understood what any of this meant, much less how to live by these mottos. Everything changed when I took Jane Teresa Anderson’s dream interpretation course. The tools I learned helped me unlock the door to my own internal prison and showed me how to find the answers, which are always within me.”
– Monica Restrepo, Madrid, Spain

Beth Forrester“I’d really like to recommend Jane Teresa and her beautiful work. I have had the pleasure of taking three of her online trainings (one I have yet to complete) as well as having a private dream interpretation. I am also an avid fan of her podcast The Dream Show. As a dream worker myself, I have done a few online trainings, have read lots of books on the subject of dreams, and have listened to many people in this field, and I can honestly say that Jane Teresa has a particularly enjoyable, inspiring and accessible approach. Her courses, ranging from learning how to look at, and understand your own dreams, through to professional level trainings, are all very thorough, very clear, and full of her own infectious curiosity and energy. Jane Teresa is very encouraging, and her years of experience in dream work as well as her background in science, means that her attitude and approach to this beautiful, mysterious, powerful world, feels really balanced. I really appreciate that, and as I was going through the courses, found it very grounding and reassuring. She provides really practical steps which help to understand how a dream works, and ways in which you can get inside the imagery and the themes. There is lots of room for the broad nature of dreams in all their variety and complexity, as well as the multiple layers within them. And whilst the techniques Jane Teresa teaches are very powerful, she is never didactic or prescriptive. Another aspect I really appreciate is that Jane Teresa brings a warm and light touch to this huge subject, she often uses humour and her teaching does not feel heavy, overly intellectual, or theoretical in any way, the work is immediately useful and useable, which is very exciting. ”
– Beth Forrester, Dream Worker, Tarot Reader and Artist, Gloucestershire, England

“What I like about this course is that there are very clear instructions to guide you along the way and in that process you are able to uncover the more obscure meaning of your dreams. Jane Teresa’s approach is very practical and she is able to show you how your dreams relate to your everyday life including important information which may not be apparent to the dreamer. You will learn so much from these teachings and it is also a lot of fun and something that you will be able to use forever.” 
– Barbara Courtille, Artist and Yoga Teacher Australia

“The course ‘How to interpret your dreams step-by-step’ has brought me so much important information! I always found indispensable clues with the help of Jane Teresa’s e-books, blog & podcast. But the course has definitely deepened my understanding. I love it: removing all blocks one by one has been made a fun and very effective ‘job’!” 
– Tim Hupkes, Tim Hupkes Art Holland

Cíntia R Machado“Studying with Jane Teresa is a magical experience! The exercises are highly insightful and on-spot. The course helped me to organize my thoughts while interpreting my dreams and to have a broader picture of what they are trying to show me.”
– Cíntia R Machado, Student, Praia Grande, Brazil

Fabiana Fondevila“Jane Teresa opens the door to deep insight with a series of easy-to-follow questions and exercises, which help uncover the many layers of meaning hidden in our dreams. Her method is simple, without diminishing the richness and depth of each individual dream. All practices are put together in the end, so that one can make sure not to have missed important pieces. Highly recommended!”
– Fabiana Fondevila, author of Where Wonder Lives Buenos Aires, Argentina

Emma Kirby“I’m so grateful to have found you and your work! I never thought that I could understand my dreams, or anyone else’s for that matter, but after I’ve studied your first two courses and started listening to your podcast, dreams have finally started making sense to me. (I never ever thought they would.)”
– Emma Kirby, Sweden

“The ‘How to interpret your dreams step by step’ course was a great discovery for me. I had read several books about dreams, but I lacked a way to connect everything. That is why this course was so revealing. Now I can handle my dreams with greater confidence.”
– João Britto, Recife, Brazil

Rachel Foreign Service Diplomat“I am half-way through the course.  I wish this was around when I was in my early 30s and turning to those snake-oil dream dictionaries. The pace is excellent, it’s clear and concise, and I highly recommended it to anyone interested in dreams. Thank you for creating this.”
– Rachel, Foreign Service Diplomat (Rachel’s position requires anonymity) USA

Juliana Bishop“Before I took the Dream Therapy Professional Level I course I started with the prerequisites. This was a challenge for me since my way of looking at dreams had to shift. My brain had to think differently and as a result I was impressed by what I gained. I was determined to learn and be open to a different approach. After analyzing my dreams I applied “Dream Alchemy” and started seeing the day to day shifts. It was comical really. I questioned how that could be! I also saw this happen when I was enrolled in the Dream Therapy Professional Level 1 course and applied what I learned with Clients. The same thing happened. They saw shifts. Awaking moments and tools to walk on their path in a more conscious way. I also value the format of the therapy. This I could apply even to my Astrology and Herbal Sessions. Asking similar questions to help a client reach a deeper understanding. Dream Therapy is the last of the 3 specialties I was looking for. It’s helped me to go further with clients. I definitely recommend the course.”
– Juliana Bishop, Medical Herbalist and Professional Astrologer, USA

“All three of your courses were wonderful! It’s amazing how simple but powerful your techniques are. My clients and I have experienced truly transformative results. I already had a copy of your Dream Alchemy book, which I read and enjoyed, but the additional videos and fieldwork were rewarding and fun. So glad I found you and your work!”
– Kim Teodori, Vibrational Sound Therapist, Tuning Insight USA

“I loved the simplicity of the How to interpret your dreams step-by-step course, the gentle nature, and the friendliness. Your videos are smiley and very informative and I delight in the bird song in the background. I wondered if they were your birds or just Australian outside birds. The course is easy for people to do in their own time in their own way. I did it at quiet moments at work. But I equally didn’t want to rush it, so for each technique I learned, I liked to sleep on it and absorb it and to test it in the world and when it had sunk in, come back and learn the next bit. I love the people technique and the having the conversation technique with the symbols in your dream. Brilliant!

Do the course: You will never look back. You know how to spot every clue and turn Columbo on your own brain. It’s nothing short of magical learning. And to be perfectly honest, I’ve never self-loved as much as I have learning to talk to the Other Me.”
– Caroline Tarrant, Student, England

Rhonda Susini“I wanted to take a moment and thank you again for having your dream academy, for not having a time limit, for just being a great resource of help to those of us whose nights are filled with vivid memories and discussions, friends and foes, wishes, dreams, and just a colorful life hidden, waiting to be our best counselors and confidents.

I am learning more and more and love, really love your worksheets that are helping me understand how to break each big dream down and really see who, what, where, and how my life is unfolding and what life is trying to tell me in ways I can grow. Just lovely.” 
– Rhonda Susini, Retired Operating Room Nurse, USA

Duda Baldwin“I have just completed Course 1, How to interpret your dreams step-by-step, and ABSOLUTELY loved it! It all made perfect sense to me, probably as I am practicing Buddhist and teacher of Buddhism. I wish I learned this years ago, it would have helped me so so much since I always had very powerful dreams. Anyway, I am glad I’ve done it now and I’m moving on to your next courses, hoping I can incorporate this wisdom into my coaching with clients. Many thanks for this Jane, I am ever so grateful that you shared your wisdom.” 
– Duda Baldwin, Life Coach & Buddhist Teacher Australia

“I have been waiting to take this course for a little over a year and it was even more wonderful than I expected!  The course content leads the dreamer to be able to “go deep” and tap into unconscious beliefs and thought patterns in the relatively easy process that Jane Teresa created.  The expertise of Jane Teresa’s vast experience in creating this course shows in the fruit that manifests quickly as you work through the process. It has surpassed my expectations and I am very excited to utilize these new skills in interpreting my dreams.  I highly recommend this course … well worth it!”
– Rebecca, Minnesota, USA

Ivi Ivi“The ‘How to interpret your dreams step-by-step’ course is very in depth, gives a lot of tools that can be used to interpret the dreams. It’s definitely a very detailed course, which is great. I got really good insights from the dream I was interpreting during the course. I still need a bit of a practice, but I am looking forward to interpreting more dreams!” 
– Iwona Wisniowska, Poland

Judith Cukier“I went through all the ‘Interpret Your Dreams Step-by-Step’ course and I know I’ve heard this from Jane Teresa many many times before, the concepts, the techniques, they are not new to me after years of working with her. Yet somehow, in taking this course, they got finally CLEAR.” 
– Judith Cukier, Dream Analyst, California USA

Sarah Maybury“You’ve developed a fantastic format. So practical and friendly and respectful of the greater mystery.” 
– Sarah Maybury, Writer, Australia

“I would highly recommend your course, it’s easy to follow and understand. I liked the very clear step by step tools we can use to interpret our own dreams. The notes and videos are very helpful. I am very appreciative that all of your videos are captioned!”
– Tiffany Williams, Life Coach, Maryland, USA

Your course includes

    • More than 100 minutes of video instruction with me in nine videos
    • If you are hard of hearing, you can download all the materials as PDFs, and the videos are also captioned (go to the settings wheel, switch on subtitles, choose ‘English auto-generated’)
    • Your Dream Interpretation Chart (pdf)
    • Course Notes (pdfs)
    • Detailed page notes
    • End of course quiz
    • Certificate of completion
    • Hours of study: Allow 8+ hours: more details below
    • Lifetime access


Hours of study

Allow 8+ hours to do this course. There are videos to watch, notes to read, exercises to do, and your Dream Interpretation Chart to fill in as you go. In the videos I regularly ask you to ‘press pause’ and do an exercise, or look at your dream, or follow some directions in filling in your chart. Most people will spend about 8 hours the first time they go through the course focussing on one dream and ending up with a dream interpretation.

After this, you can go through the system as many times as you wish to interpret different dreams. Soon you’ll find yourself able to interpret your dreams quickly and efficiently without my video help.


Why train with me?

Jane Teresa Anderson 27 August 2023 by Michael Collins
Profile photo credit: Michael Collins, 2023

You are in safe, expert hands. I have been consulting professionally as a dream analyst and dream therapist since 1992, and I trained students in dream therapy for two decades before deciding to further evolve my courses into an online format.

Originally trained as a scientist, my approach to interpreting and working with dreams is both an art and a science, based on my independent research and deep work with clients for over 32 years.

My long experience with the media over as many years (television and radio), combined with earlier training in teaching and education, has gifted me the skills to design courses and communicate and teach in an effective and fun way through videos as well as through the written word.

While our Dream Academy courses are designed so that you can learn wholly by yourself, at your own pace, in your own time, I offer additional fee-based mentoring for those students who enjoy the luxury of extra personal support. The sessions are open-ended to suit your needs.

You can read more about me and my extensive bio here.



AUD $29 (Australian dollars).
How much is this in your currency?


Get instant lifetime access. I’ll see you there.

Jane Teresa



Check out my answers to all the frequently asked questions people ask about my courses and studying online at The Dream Academy: FAQs.


More comments from students

A selection of comments from the Anonymous Survey students are invited to take when they complete this course:

“Jane Teresa is an excellent teacher, from how well she explains things to her sense of humour.”
– Canada

“I’ve already recommended the course. It just simplifies dreams. The content, the engagement, the length of the course were all perfect. It also opens up other thoughts and areas of study I wish to pursue. It has me questioning things and I like that.”
– Australia

“I liked the clear structure and profound prompts and questions to analyze my dreams; Jane’s wisdom, clarity and warm engaging manner to guide me on the way.”
– Australia

“Easy to follow. The questions are good at engaging the mind. Not too long or labourious. It was good pausing the video to do exercises. I found the course very effective.”
– Australia

“The dream interpretation methods are personal and resonated with me, and Jane makes it fun and engaging to learn.”
– Canada

“I liked Jane’s delivery: cheerful, humble, positive (without being syrupy), real, passionate.”
– Country not given

“It’s an interesting topic and the course helps you to reflect on your dreams in a serious way. It’s not one of those websites/courses telling you that you’re a lucky person if you dream a shamrock!”
– Italy

“It takes you away from what you think the dream is and it truly opens up space for the truth.”
– South Africa

“I like listening and watching Jane Teresa. She explains things very clearly and is personable. Clear and concise course.”
– UK

“It’s a life changing experience.”
– Dominican Republic

“I like Jane Teresa’s method of analysis and her step by step methodology which indeed can offer great insight about things for yourself you couldn’t have imagined, it’s kind of psychotherapy by yourself and that makes it invaluable.”
– Greece

“The well-organised material and the variety of ways to look at a dream. The overall positive feel of the content. As a presenter, you come across as friendly, knowledgeable and authentic – a winning combination.”
– Australia

“The course is well done, incredibly interesting and helpful!”
– Canada

“I liked the profound knowledge transmitted.”
– Sweden

“I loved it, I thought it was brilliant. I’ve learned so much more than I had expected and feel that I can just keep building now as I have a really good foundation. I have a similar feeling to if I had just spent a few hours with a therapist, only I did it myself. A-ha moments of clarity that will have a profound impact on my self development.”
– UK

“The course is exciting, fun, enlightening, creative, validating.”
– UK

“It’s simple, methodical, profound, enriching.”
– Brazil

“Comprehensive and informative. Very clear instruction. Debunks a lot of woo-woo stuff on dreams.”