Dream Alchemy course

Learn how to prescribe, create, and use dream alchemy to powerfully transform or enhance your life

A video-based course (for the hard of hearing, videos are captioned) with dream analyst, dream therapist, and author, Jane Teresa Anderson


 Dream Alchemy Online Course Jane Teresa Anderson

Reprogram unconscious limiting beliefs and blocks identified in your dreams (rewire your brain) to experience powerfully enriching results

I designed this course as a follow on from How to Interpret Your Dreams Step-by-Step. When you learn how to interpret your dreams, you discover any unconscious blocks or limiting beliefs that are holding you back in life. Sometimes awareness of your blocks is not enough to overcome them. The unconscious mind is very powerful and generally carries on regardless, often influencing your life in ways that are not really serving you well. The way to change this is to communicate directly with your unconscious mind to transform those beliefs and blocks, to get your unconscious mind working for you, not against you.

The way to do this is through dream alchemy practices. Dream alchemy practices work by communicating with your unconscious mind using its unique language: the dream symbols it used to express itself in your dream. They reprogram your unconscious mind and rewire your brain for successful outcomes.

In the first course, How to Interpret Your Dreams Step-by-Step, you learned how to apply a simple and effective dream alchemy practice to rewire your brain. This course, Dream Alchemy, builds on the foundational work you did in the first course, and goes deeper, offering you a variety of life-changing dream alchemy tools.

I made this course as practical and easy to follow as possible.

I designed a Dream Alchemy Prescription Chart for you to download and fill in for each dream as you follow my steps. In this course I take you through using your Dream Alchemy Prescription Chart to create unique and personal dream alchemy exercises that you can use to get straight to the heart of the matter: powerful transformation. Doing dream alchemy changes your life in wonderfully enriching ways.

You get instant Lifetime access so you can revisit the course as many times as you wish over the years, learning at your own pace in your own time. Please note that you need to complete Course 1, How to interpret your dreams step-by-step, before beginning this course.


This course is for you if you tick the first box and one or more of the others

❏ You have completed Course 1, How to Interpret Your Dreams Step-by-Step.

❏ You’re ready to build on your dream interpretation skills and use dream alchemy to reprogram your unconscious mind.

❏ You’re excited to delve into the art and science of creating dream alchemy to change your life in wonderful ways.

❏ You’d like to build the skills to help family and friends move forward in their lives through dream alchemy.

❏ You’re ready to use your dreams to strike personal and spiritual gold.


What you will learn

When you do this course, you’ll learn

  • The nature of alchemy and dream alchemy.
  • Why dream interpretation needs to be followed by dream alchemy for dreams that reveal unconscious limiting beliefs or blocks if effective positive change is desired.
  • How dream alchemy works.
  • The information you need to gather from a dream to prescribe dream alchemy.
  • How to fill in your Dream Alchemy Prescription Chart for any dream.
  • The tools you need to design and create effective dream alchemy.
  • Precisely how to design seven types of dream alchemy: visualisation, affirmation, artwork, writing, dialogue, bodywork, and give back the belief.
  • The different practical formulae for applying each of these seven types of dream alchemy.
  • What to expect when you apply dream alchemy: waking life signs.
  • What to expect when you apply dream alchemy: dreaming life signs.
  • How to keep records and track results.
  • The skills to prescribe, design, and create dream alchemy practices for your own dreams and for the dreams of others.
  • How to change your life in wonderful ways through doing dream alchemy.


Your course includes

  • More than 156 minutes of video instruction with Jane Teresa in twelve videos
  • If you are hard of hearing, you can download all the materials as PDFs, and the videos are also captioned (go to the settings wheel, switch on subtitles, choose ‘English auto-generated’).
  • Your Dream Alchemy Prescription Chart (pdf)
  • Manual (Course Notes) pdf: 13,700 words
  • Detailed page notes
  • End of course quiz
  • Certificate of completion
  • Hours of study: Allow 11+ hours: more details below.
  • Lifetime access.


Hours of study

Allow 11+ hours to do this course. There are videos to watch, notes to read, exercises to do, and charts to fill in as you go. In the videos I regularly ask you to ‘press pause’ and do an exercise, or follow some directions in filling in a chart, or taking time to design, create, and do different types of dream alchemy following my guidelines. Most people will spend about 11 hours the first time they go through the course.

After this, you can go through the course, or parts of the course, as many times as you wish to revise and practise different kinds of dream alchemy. Soon you’ll find yourself able to design and create just the right dream alchemy for any dream quickly and efficiently without my video help.


What people say

Fabiana Fondevila“Jane Teresa has created an invaluable tool. Her Alchemy practices honor personal differences, offering varied ways to go about reaping the gold from our nightly excursions. If one is not an artist, there are the affirmations; if visualizations are difficult, there is dialogue or bodywork. Her optimistic and positive style goes a long way towards encouraging dreamers to dive in, confident that they will find the growth and learning they yearn for, so long as they commit to spending quality time with their dreams, their unconscious and and their imagination. A treasure trove of tools for self-knowledge and transformation.”
– Fabiana Fondevila, author of Where Wonder Lives, Buenos Aires, Argentina

“The ‘Dream Alchemy’ course opened my eyes to the various possibilities of working with dreams and their messages. Most important was to discover through the techniques taught that our mind responds best when we use its language, the language of dreams.”
– João Britto, Recife, Brazil

Emma Kirby“I’m so grateful to have found you and your work! I never thought that I could understand my dreams, or anyone else’s for that matter, but after I’ve studied your first two courses and started listening to your podcast, dreams have finally started making sense to me. (I never ever thought they would.)”
– Emma Kirby, Sweden

Juliana Bishop“Before I took the Dream Therapy Professional Level I course I started with the prerequisites. This was a challenge for me since my way of looking at dreams had to shift. My brain had to think differently and as a result I was impressed by what I gained. I was determined to learn and be open to a different approach. After analyzing my dreams I applied “Dream Alchemy” and started seeing the day to day shifts. It was comical really. I questioned how that could be! I also saw this happen when I was enrolled in the Dream Therapy Professional Level 1 course and applied what I learned with Clients. The same thing happened. They saw shifts. Awaking moments and tools to walk on their path in a more conscious way. I also value the format of the therapy. This I could apply even to my Astrology and Herbal Sessions. Asking similar questions to help a client reach a deeper understanding. Dream Therapy is the last of the 3 specialties I was looking for. It’s helped me to go further with clients. I definitely recommend the course.”
– Juliana Bishop, Medical Herbalist and Professional Astrologer, USA

Iwona Wisniowska“I loved the structure of the course. Again it had beautiful content, with multiple tools, suited to everyone. I really enjoyed the course, already applied the knowledge and looking forward to my first glimmers of gold! Thank you so much for offering the course! The deep insights I got after following the course are just priceless. I understand so much better now how dreams work and how can I use them to my benefit. I understood current patterns and beliefs I should work on! Amazing!”
– Iwona Wisniowska, Poland

“All three of your courses were wonderful! It’s amazing how simple but powerful your techniques are. My clients and I have experienced truly transformative results. I already had a copy of your Dream Alchemy book, which I read and enjoyed, but the additional videos and fieldwork were rewarding and fun. So glad I found you and your work!”
– Kim Teodori, Vibrational Sound Therapist, Tuning Insight, USA

Rhonda Susini“I wanted to take a moment and thank you again for having your dream academy, for not having a time limit, for just being a great resource of help to those of us whose nights are filled with vivid memories and discussions, friends and foes, wishes, dreams, and just a colorful life hidden, waiting to be our best counselors and confidents.

I am learning more and more and love, really love your worksheets that are helping me understand how to break each big dream down and really see who, what, where, and how my life is unfolding and what life is trying to tell me in ways I can grow. Just lovely.” 
– Rhonda Susini, Retired Operating Room Nurse, USA

Beth Forrester“I’d really like to recommend Jane Teresa and her beautiful work. I have had the pleasure of taking three of her online trainings (one I have yet to complete) as well as having a private dream interpretation. I am also an avid fan of her podcast The Dream Show. As a dream worker myself, I have done a few online trainings, have read lots of books on the subject of dreams, and have listened to many people in this field, and I can honestly say that Jane Teresa has a particularly enjoyable, inspiring and accessible approach. Her courses, ranging from learning how to look at, and understand your own dreams, through to professional level trainings, are all very thorough, very clear, and full of her own infectious curiosity and energy. Jane Teresa is very encouraging, and her years of experience in dream work as well as her background in science, means that her attitude and approach to this beautiful, mysterious, powerful world, feels really balanced. I really appreciate that, and as I was going through the courses, found it very grounding and reassuring. She provides really practical steps which help to understand how a dream works, and ways in which you can get inside the imagery and the themes. There is lots of room for the broad nature of dreams in all their variety and complexity, as well as the multiple layers within them. And whilst the techniques Jane Teresa teaches are very powerful, she is never didactic or prescriptive. Another aspect I really appreciate is that Jane Teresa brings a warm and light touch to this huge subject, she often uses humour and her teaching does not feel heavy, overly intellectual, or theoretical in any way, the work is immediately useful and useable, which is very exciting. ”
– Beth Forrester, Dream Worker, Tarot Reader and Artist, Gloucestershire, England


Why train with me?

Jane Teresa Anderson August 2023 by Michael Collins
Profile photo credit: Michael Collins, 2023

You are in safe, expert hands. I have been consulting professionally as a dream analyst and dream therapist since 1992, and I trained students in dream therapy for two decades before deciding to further evolve my courses into an online format.

Originally trained as a scientist, my approach to interpreting and working with dreams is both an art and a science, based on my independent research and deep work with clients for over 32 years.

My long experience with the media over as many years (television and radio), combined with earlier training in teaching and education, has gifted me the skills to design courses and communicate and teach in an effective and fun way through videos as well as through the written word.

While our Dream Academy courses are designed so that you can learn wholly by yourself, at your own pace, in your own time, I offer additional fee-based mentoring for those students who enjoy the luxury of extra personal support. The sessions are open-ended to suit your needs.

You can read more about me and my extensive bio here.



AUD $29 (Australian dollars).
How much is this in your currency?

Entry requirements: Please note that you need to complete Course 1, How to interpret your dreams step-by-step, before beginning this course. Dream Alchemy draws on the foundational work covered in How to interpret your dreams step-by-step.


I’ll see you there.

Jane Teresa