Here’s an update from Carla, my guest on podcast episode 44, The Dream Show.
Six weeks ago, Carla shared her Bodice Ripper dream on the show. The dream reflected her tendency to restrain or withhold her more passionate, creative heart-felt work, preferring to be seen as intelligent, valuing head over heart. Her ‘inner Nazi’ regard for order and perfectionism helped her guard against ripping that bodice open to reveal the passion.
Although the dream was two years old, Carla identified the situation as an ongoing struggle, so she began a dream alchemy practice (described in the podcast) to transform the inner Nazi and allow the heartfelt stuff to be expressed.
The night following the podcast, Carla dreamed she was sitting, bare-breasted, at a meeting with architects. Commenting on her blog about this dream, she noted, “The bodice is off; my heart has opened. (…) That I am sitting with a table of architects tells me that something new is being built.”
A few weeks later, she emailed to say, “The change I’m noticing is that I’m much more comfortable putting my work out into the larger world.”
A recent dream, Put on the Stockings, expressed the transformation process, encapsulated in Carla’s picture.
“At first I think her acceptance of a gift from the Nazi is morally dubious …” (pic by Carla Young)
Here’s her dream: “We are trying to escape the Nazis, but using an odd strategy. We’re running away from them by going back to the place we used to live even as I think, ‘Won’t they be able to find us here?’
One woman accepts a pair of silk stockings from a Nazi soldier with the idea of reselling them to get money for something useful, like food. At first I think her acceptance of a gift from the Nazi is morally dubious, but later feel that in transforming the gift into something useful she’s done something sensible.”
Here’s Carla’s interpretation: “I learn that something good can come if I can accept a gift from my inner Nazi. My tiresome attention to detail and tendency to perfectionism are not all bad, but can and do enable (feed) my creative side.”
So Carla’s alchemy has taken her back in time (to where she used to live) to reappraise her ‘inner Nazi’ beliefs and allow this transformed view to nourish her creative passion.
Isn’t it wonderful when we can see the true value of our gifts and express them usefully, rather than deny them exposure?
PS. You might also like to read Carla’s blog on my dream alchemy methods.
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