Category Archives: Podcasts

The Dream Show is a free podcast series in which I analyse my guests’ dreams and share dream interpretation tips & insights.

A new episode is published every four weeks.

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Episode 268 The Dream Show: Bird of Paradise part 3

“I dreamed that a two-inch worm wriggled out of my nipple. What does it mean?” I was on a breakfast radio show interpreting dreams when a caller by the name of Kerry relayed the above dream. In today’s episode, I take you through some of my yesterdays, todays, and projected tomorrows, bringing you stories of

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Episode 267 The Dream Show: Bird of Paradise part 2

What’s your calling? When did you first realise it? Or are you still listening and waiting for all your stars to align and open the way? Do missed opportunities call again, and again, if it’s in your karma? In today’s episode, we explore these questions, and more, through stories, synchronicities, dreams, and mysteries. After nearly

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Episode 266 The Dream Show: Bird of Paradise part 1

After nearly 14 years – and 265 episodes – of The Dream Show, we decided to do something a little different between now and late November 2023 when we will return to our usual format. Over the next ten episodes, I’m narrating my most recent book, Bird of Paradise (Taming the Unconscious to Bring Your Dreams

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Episode 262 The Dream Show: Walruses and sea lions

Molly from New York, USA, is our guest exploring her dream about mountain-sized walruses and sea lions that crashed to earth. In her dream, she enjoyed an exhilarating flight with her friend before crash landing, followed shortly by the enormous, plummeting walruses and sea lions. Why did Molly, when she tried to explain her friend

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