Category Archives: Podcasts

The Dream Show is a free podcast series in which I analyse my guests’ dreams and share dream interpretation tips & insights.

A new episode is published every four weeks.

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Episode 172 The Dream Show: Trying to stay in control of my car

Karen is my guest with a scary dream about trying to stay in control of her car. She notices the fuel is low, but how low exactly? Has she got enough petrol to get home or is she close to running on empty? Her body is in the driver’s seat but suddenly her mind is

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Episode 171 The Dream Show: Synchronicity

In this episode we dance with synchronicity, in both a light-hearted and deeply exploring way. Oh, and we relate it to dreams on many levels. When was the last time you experienced synchronicity? What happened? How did it make you feel? A synchronicity is a coincidence or series of coincidences that are not really coincidences

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Episode 170 The Dream Show: Moving in a whole new way

How do you respond when the winds of change sweep your way? Do you hold back in fear, look for an escape route, try to put off the inevitable, fight to stand your ground, defend and strengthen the status quo, take a giant leap of faith and let the winds of change carry you, or

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Episode 169 The Dream Show: Three scorpions

“You don’t have enough nightmares on The Dream Show,” said Abigail, my guest in this episode, “so I’m bringing mine, a nightmare about three scorpions.” The dream is scary enough, as Abigail notices three scorpions in her bedroom, and zooms in, in the nightmare, to their shiny black stinging tails. One has her cornered. Should

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