Category Archives: Dream interpretation

Dream interpretation: Radio 2UE, Finding home

Vanessa called Radio 2UE when I was interpreting dreams on Tim Webster’s afternoon show earlier this month, to ask about her recurring dream which she’d been having for six months. She was intrigued because a previous caller had asked about her recurring dream of never being able to find the right train station, or catch

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Science & dreams: Interview on China Radio International

Is there a place for science when researching and analysing dreams? In an interview last week on China Radio International, Beijing based Nigel Ballard, host of ‘People in the Know’, grilled two dream researchers, myself and Professor Marilyn Fowler of John F Kennedy University, on this subject. Listen here (podcast). My background in science –

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Dream interpretation: Recurring dreams

Do you have a recurring dream theme? I asked this question on my Facebook page on Monday, to gather some material for today’s blog and to provide some glimpses into what these dreams mean. So thanks for your contributions, guys, and read on! First up, remember that a dream reflects your conscious and unconscious experiences

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