Category Archives: Dream interpretation

The science of dream interpretation

“You’re an interesting contradiction, a scientist who interprets dreams,” said Ian Kath, host of the podcast chat show Your Story – How others play the game of life. “I’d love to interview you and throw you some curly questions.” Of course I agreed, and Ian released our interview this week as episode 59, Jane Teresa.

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Dream alchemy art

Not everyone is a gifted artist, but a surprising number of my clients are either professional artists (painters, writers, musicians) or discover artistic skills during the course of their work with me. Many times I’ve experienced the joy of being shown a piece of dream alchemy artwork (over a skype cam during a consultation or

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Dream interpretation: Theme alchemy

No, it’s not a drunken, lisped take on ‘dream alchemy’. It’s a way of reading across your dreams, instead of considering each dream individually. It helps you to find light when you need it most. Here’s an example from my life. It’s the story of three waves. Once upon a time, I had three dreams

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Rose alchemy – update from Ann, ep 82

“Our relationship has blossomed into something better than it was before,” says Ann, sharing her progress since having her dream interpreted in episode 82 of  The Dream Show three months ago. Ann had dreamed of birds trapped in her home after getting in through broken blinds, unable to find their way out again. When we

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Episode 93 The Dream Show: 100 years

Life is full of opportunity. Even when it doesn’t feel like it. Especially when it doesn’t feel like it. In this episode, I show you how to look at your dreams to discover practical opportunities that you’re just not seeing when you’re awake. Dreams do not tell you what to do. They don’t guide you.

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