Category Archives: Dream interpretation

Teaching school students how to understand their dreams

What did you learn about dreams and nightmares when you were at school? Nothing, I’ll bet. Can you remember some of the dreams that puzzled, worried, or frightened you as a young child and as a young adult? Did you talk about them? Was anyone able to help ease your mind, and give you practical

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Episode 149 The Dream Show: The hidden library

My guest, Karen, had a dream about discovering a hidden library filled with eclectic books and antiquities downstairs in her house. As she wondered who created it and why it wasn’t being used, she became lucid to her dream and lamented that the library – like all the extra rooms she has discovered over the

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Perfect but for one little thing

Three ideas for today’s blog jostled in my head, but which to choose? It was one of those perfect mornings, just back from yoga, sipping coffee in a garden still wet from overnight rain, a balmy breeze, birds chirping happily as they flitted through the trees feasting on the array of delicacies rain brings, just

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Episode 148 The Dream Show: Intense emotions in dreams

We begin with the light-hearted, a bit of fun and a laugh to illustrate just how far the unconscious can go to try to save us from feeling pain, yet how that same unconscious can speak loud and clear in waking life once you know how to look and listen. It speaks even more clearly

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Dreamvolution – help with facing change

When life presents you with change, how do you usually respond? Do you resist, hanging on to the way you have always done things, sticking to the routines and habits that have always worked for you? Or do you jump right in, eager for something new, tossing the old way aside without so much as

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Episode 147 The Dream Show: Pursued by love

Renee is my guest having her dream interpreted on The Dream Show.  What do you do when a rich foreigner opens his heart, shines his love, and literally offers you the world? In Renee’s dream, you run! “She’s too stupid to see he’s trying to help her,” shout some people in a bowling alley as

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Episode 146 The Dream Show: It will come to you

What comes to you in your life, and how do you feel about it? What would you like to come to you – to attract into your life? What do you do to try to make this happen? Are you succeeding, or are you just experiencing same-old? How can working with your dreams and dream

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