Category Archives: Dream alchemy

Episode 54 The Dream Show: Resurrection & birth

Angela is my guest with a dream she had last week while her mother was receiving chemotherapy. In the dream, her mother became well in a scene akin to a resurrection, and Angela gave birth to a baby but worried that she wasn’t prepared emotionally for motherhood. The measurements of the baby were given: 19.5,

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Episode 52 The Dream Show: Moving forward

This episode is about moving forward, freed by alchemy. When you do alchemy, your dreams reflect the deep changes. Of course, you’ll notice changes in your waking life – some subtle, but hugely powerful, some more dramatic – but it’s always exciting to see confirmation of the changes in your dreams. One of the first

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Dream interpretation results: Jennifer’s news, episode 47

Here’s an update from Jennifer, my guest in podcast episode 47, The Dream Show. Jennifer, a naturopathic physician, dreamed she was a contestant in a TV Top Model reality show, wondering whether she’d be eliminated in the final round. If you’ve listened to episode 47 (listen here), you’ll remember that Jennifer’s degree is in a

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Dream interpretation results: Carla’s news, episode 44

Here’s an update from Carla, my guest on podcast episode 44, The Dream Show. Six weeks ago, Carla shared her Bodice Ripper dream on the show. The dream reflected her tendency to restrain or withhold her more passionate, creative heart-felt work, preferring to be seen as intelligent, valuing head over heart. Her ‘inner Nazi’ regard

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Turning point: small shift, big change

What’s your best success story? It might be a career or business success, meeting your soul mate, a personal breakthrough, a creative or academic  achievement, a lifestyle change, a contribution to your community, healing your body, finding peace. When you look back along the path, what was the turning point, the event, thought or action

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