Category Archives: Dream alchemy

Episode 63 The Dream Show: Lady Gaga, Kate & Kay

Spot the theme: Lady Gaga has a recurring dream about being asked to cut her wrist, a dream she worries is connected with the Illuminati, while Kate, our guest from episode 57, had dreamed of chopping off her leg so she could look inside. In this episode I interpret Lady Gaga’s dream, and report on

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Do nightmares affect health?

Do frequent bad dreams have a negative impact on your health? Michael Lund, writing for the Courier Mail, reports today that recent studies suggest a link between frequent nightmares and insomnia, fatigue, depression and anxiety. Research in China suggests that 5.1% of people have frequent nightmares, defined as at least one a week, while other

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On solid ground

(Note: I wrote this article ten years ago, during a period of change, before I had found the name ‘dream alchemy’ to describe the approach I was evolving. Yet here it is, and there I am, doing the magic that created the firm foundation upon which the last ten years have been built.) *** In

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