Category Archives: Blog

Silent voices

“You’ll live to regret it if you don’t try,” “It’s too risky,” “Change is good,” “You’ll lose everything you’ve worked for,” “It’s everything you’ve ever worked for,” “Better to be safe than sorry,” “You’ll get hurt again,” “You’ll be happy,” “Opportunities like this come once in a lifetime,” “It looks too good to be true,”

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Bodywork and dreams

When was the last time you had a good, deep, foot, neck, shoulder, or back massage? If you closed your eyes and surrendered to the process, what feelings came up for you? Were you able to name those feelings – relief, grief, foreboding, panic, bliss, vulnerability? Or did you notice tears flowing but find yourself

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I have just emailed Issue 200 of our monthly Dream Sight News out to our subscribers, and shared the article I wrote for our first issue, back on 11.11.1998. The story is old, but still true. I guess it’s the story behind my dream sight, my in-sight. I called the article I-Sight, and thought I’d

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The world is

Finish this statement using just one word: “The world is …” Maybe your word was big, or round, or polluted, or over-crowded, or dying, or abundant, or hopeful, or breathing, or alive, or beautiful, or exciting, or changing. You would probably choose a different word on a different day, or at a different hour, depending

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All the world’s a stage

The moment has come to step out on stage and perform in front of an audience but you haven’t prepared. Worse than this, you know zilch. It’s a common dream theme, and you’ve probably had a variation of it at some point in your life. What did you make of it? How did you relate

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Sliding doors and spooky tales

This little cupboard has moved from house to house within our family for years, and we have always forgiven it for its one fault, doors that open whenever you walk past. The bolt that is designed to keep the doors closed is too short for the task, losing its grip and slipping out at the

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The secret of life

When I was about six or seven, an aunt gave me an autograph book for my birthday. I can still picture it (Post script, June 2015: while moving house I found it, that’s it in the header image!), a padded matt white vinyl cover with an illustration of a modish 1960s lady, pen poised in

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