Category Archives: Blog

As above so below

As above, so below. As within, so without. What do these ancient sayings mean to you? Legend has it that Hermes Trismegistus inscribed these words, in Phoenician, on The Emerald Tablet, somewhere between 1,200 and 38,000 years ago. Yes, you did read those dates correctly. No, no-one knows where the tablet is now, or whether

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Tell me about your dream

“We welcome dream reader, Jane Teresa, onto the breakfast show,” a radio presenter announced earlier this morning, and I had to smile to myself: there it was again, call it synchronicity, a prod from the universe, or meaningful coincidence, those two words, dream reader, gave me the thumbs up for the blog idea I had

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Sting’s Dream of the Blue Turtles

How creative is your dreaming mind at weaving what’s happening around you while you sleep into a dream? Someone knocking on your door, an alarm clock that fails to wake you, a snoring partner, a cooking smell, a cold blast of air, can all find their ways into a dream, but usually in a surreal

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Should we be scared?

“Should we be scared? What’s going to happen? Do you know?” asked a woman sitting close to me, last week, as we waited for the show to begin. The performance space, decked out with memorabilia of unexplained phenomena (a yeti glared down at me from a framed poster), was suitably dimmed, as we sat shoulder

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How to see your blocks

Sometimes it’s just too hard to see your own blocks. You might feel their presence, an invisible, unnameable something that stands between you and where you want to be. In less enlightened times you might have decided you were cursed, darkly and subtly manipulated by the power of another. Today you might be curious about

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Dream consultation by email and a tale of two feathers

I get the message. Or should I say, I got the message, through a series of emails I received from various people, and through the tale of two feathers, which I am about to share. What was the message? Well, you probably noticed part of it, emblazoned in the title of this short blog, but

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Understanding children’s dreams

“I have a three year old patient who is having vivid nightmares of things he has never seen or experienced, like children trapped in a large hole, or something very violent like killing. He has never seen anything violent or scary, or had experiences of these.” I received this enquiry last week. The practitioner asked

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Ikea meets Apple meets Hanuman

When change is in the air, are you a baby steps kind of person or a giant leap of faith kind of person? Or do you dig deeper into the comfort of familiar territory and resist change? I’m going to share three stories. One is about yoga and a Hindu God, one is about a

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