Can dreams help you to heal from disease?
Most, if not all, diseases begin with the mind. Stress, emotional issues, fears, and beliefs can and do manifest in the physical body if not addressed. When your mind is not at ease, when it is at dis-ease, bodily disease may follow. Since dreams reveal your emotional and mental make-up, they offer an opportunity to understand a disease or illness from an emotional-mental perspective.
If you are prone to sickness, or suffering a disease, look through your dreams for symbolic representations of your physical condition. For example, you might see a balloon about to burst under pressure when you’re suffering a headache, a stack of bricks out of alignment when your spine is out of line, a cloudy or murky pond when you’ve got a bladder infection, an off-key or raspy musical instrument when you’ve got a throat infection, a blocked road or pipe when you’ve got a blockage such as a blocked artery or constipation, a toxic waste factory polluting a system when you’ve got a liver or kidney problem, or an invasion or war dream when you’ve been invaded by a virus, or when your immune system is fighting an infection.
These are NOT definite symbols with strict meanings, as any of these symbols can come up in dreams that have nothing to do with physical disease, so don’t use these to diagnose your physical condition. Instead, use these examples as guidelines to help you identify parts of your dream that seem to mirror your physical condition. Once you have found your personal symbol of your disease in a dream, the healing magic begins with a dream alchemy practice. This is what to do.
Visualise the dream situation healing, adding an uplifting emotion. For example, visualise a blocked pipe unblocking, and its contents flowing smoothly, feeling the elation of the release. Or visualise the high-pressure balloon that was about to burst breathing out gently, just enough to relieve the pressure and feel the light-hearted, happy balloon lift and fly. Or visualise the stack of bricks being gently stretched and reset into alignment, feeling the joyous freedom of a new flexibility.
Keep up your visualisation for several weeks, always making sure to add and feel that uplifting emotion. What you are doing is communicating with your unconscious mind using its own language, the language of your dreams. Your unconscious mind then takes your healing cue, and helps heal the emotional or mental cause of your dis-ease by changing the disease-causing beliefs and feelings. Watch your dreams for feedback on your healing progress.
[Extract from 101 Dream Interpretation Tips, Jane Teresa Anderson]
Have you noticed symbolic parallels in your dreams to diseases, illnesses, aches or pains you’ve experienced?