Back seat driver

Back Seat Driver Jane Teresa Anderson Dreams

Some dreams are just meant to be shared, and here’s one with a universal message. One of my regular clients brought this dream to me for interpretation and alchemy, and kindly offered it to share with you all on this blog.

He dreamed he was a passenger on a gigantic bus, sitting near the back with his feet perched on a heavy metal bar. Suddenly he realised he wasn’t a passenger at all, he was the driver, driving the bus by pushing down on the bar with his feet. The mechanism was cumbersome, and he had to put a lot of pressure on the bar to keep the bus moving. He was too far back from the windscreen to see where he was heading, but he felt comfortably in control of the huge vehicle and knew he was driving safely. But to where?

Here’s the bottom line:

The bar in the dream represented an obstacle (bar) in his life, and that obstacle had become the driving force of his life. He had lost touch with his vision, his plan for where he was heading (he was too far from the windscreen in the dream). Instead of making decisions based on his vision, he was making decisions based on the obstacle. By paying attention to the obstacle, applying pressure, keeping it under control, he ensured his safety and was able to keep things trundling along in a comfortable, if cumbersome, way.

But to where? We agreed he needed to get back in touch with his vision, otherwise he’d end up wherever ‘staying safe and in control’ was taking him.

Of course, we dug a little deeper. Everything in a dream represents something about the dreamer, so that bar represented a belief manifesting as an obstacle, and we did the work to explore and transform that belief. See? The way to deal effectively with what seems like an obstacle in life is to understand it, get new perspective on it, and transform it into a more helpful belief.

Are you being driven by what you see as the obstacles in your life, or are you driven by a vision of where you want to be?

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