Author Archives: Jane Teresa Anderson

Foraging for treasure

I was admiring photos of broken pieces of antique pottery, hand blown glass, a clay pipe, and an inkwell, all mudlarking treasures foraged from English river mud by Carys, a friend on Instagram, and it took me back to childhood expeditions to the gardening allotments near my grandmother’s house in Portsmouth, England. Portsmouth was heavily

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Episode 218 The Dream Show: Dream dictionary temptations

How many dream dictionaries have you got on your bookshelf? It’s so very tempting to look up a dream symbol, or to look up several symbols from the dream you had last night and try to link them together, but how helpful is this approach really? In this episode we look at why you might

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Episode 215 The Dream Show: The shaman, the beast, and the nature of time

As we approach the tenth anniversary of The Dream Show, we look back at how it all began before sweeping into a theme of how past, present, and future intertwine in our dreams and in waking life. You’ll meet a shaman and a boy-beast from my dreams, and discover how I worked out what they

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