Author Archives: Jane Teresa Anderson

Episode 229 The Dream Show: The bunker and the Antichrist

Celena from Clarkesville, Georgia, is my guest asking about a series of increasingly catastrophic dreams. The dreams took place over six weeks. In the first dream Celena is building a safe place, a bunker, because of an imminent weather-related event. By the second dream the danger is war, and by the third dream it’s the

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Episode 228 The Dream Show: Zombie attack

Benjamin from Germany is my guest with a dream about a zombie attack on a fantasy mediaeval city. There’s a Game of Thrones feeling, a foul-smelling mass, house to house fights, and riddles to solve. It’s a multi-level adventure of a dream that, once interpreted, throws light on Benjamin’s waking life situation in a way

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Episode 226 The Dream Show: Navigating the path

Welcome to my world, as I explore one of my synchronicity stories and two of my dreams, imparting interpretation tips while sharing stories from my life, past, present, and future. How can you use your dreams and spine-tingling synchronicities to help navigate your path? And here’s a hot-off-the-press addition to the synchronicity related in this

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