
Attitude Jane Teresa Anderson Dreams

“Oh, that’s good, I like that,” chuckled Michael, indicating the car in front of us as we were driving home yesterday. “Angst is attitude.”


“Angst is attitude.”

“A new angle to an old twist, an appealing je ne sais quoi,” I agreed, appealing to my je ne sais quoi for an explanation. (What on earth was he referring to?)

“Bumper sticker! Angst is attitude!” Michael persisted.

And there it was, a bit road grimy, a bit road torn, a bumper sticker on the car we were following, “Angel is attitude.”

“Angel – not angst – angel!” I laughed, digging him in the ribs. “It’s got a figure of an angel under the saying, see? Wings, she’s got wings.”

Maybe Michael needs new glasses, but, wait, what’s that I see on the bumper of the car parked across the street as I write this? “Attitude is in the eye of the beholder.” Or maybe I’m just seeing things.

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