A colourful message

A colourful message Jane Teresa Anderson

Interpreting a dream provides powerful personal insight. But it’s doing the dream alchemy that creates the deep internal shifts that can make all the difference to your life.

Kat, my guest on episode 277, The Dream Show, recently emailed me to share her experience of doing the dream alchemy on the dream we explored on the podcast. She was also keen to share this with our listeners and readers. (Watch out for Kat’s full story in our next episode, episode 282.)

Following her guest experience, Kat continued studying at The Dream Academy, and quickly became proficient at interpreting her dreams. One night, she dreamed about me, and it was this dream that prompted her to send the update and offer to share it with you all.

If you’ve been studying with me – or listening to the podcasts, reading my books and blogs – you’ll know that people in our dreams represent aspects of ourselves or our perspectives. When Kat dreamed about me, I imagine she was dreaming about her own growing expert skills in dream interpretation and dream alchemy.

Over to Kat:

‘In my dream I’ve been arranging another interpretation session with you, Jane Teresa, and am surprised when you actually show up at my door! I invite you to a room upstairs to chat but realise I’m not prepared. I’m a bit flustered – I don’t have a dream picked out, I don’t have money set aside – but as we talk, instead of me finding a new dream to interpret, you ask how I’ve been going with the symbols and alchemy given from my last dream (although none of the symbols you mention are ones I remember ever having dreamed about). I feel disappointed in myself for not having any answers and I apologize. You are very kind and polite to me and tell me not to worry about it, but then you begin packing up your things to go. You remind me that I need to be doing the work on my old dreams before going ahead with new ones. As I leave the room to show you back to the door, I realise the rest of the house has been painted by a team of painters while we’ve been talking; you’ve brought them along and have surprised me with a fully repainted house! Each wall is a different vibrant colour and I’m in awe as I take it all in. I love it and am so incredibly touched by the gesture! I notice some of the paint could use a couple more coats as it’s patchy in some areas, but it was a short time that the team was working, and I don’t mind having to finish up myself. As you leave, I tell you I absolutely will do all my dream alchemy because I think it’s the most important thing, and I really mean it.

There’s more to it than this summary, but I woke up from this dream feeling so empowered and grateful. I feel so lucky to have discovered your work and to have benefitted from your help personally. You have helped bring colour into my world in a way I never would have thought possible, and you have provided me with the skills I need to keep bringing that colour with me wherever I go.’

Kat’s inner Dream Therapist is clearly very wise. Avoid the temptation to hop from dream to dream, gathering bits of insight here and there, and missing the transformative value of doing your dream alchemy. And painting the whole house in those vibrant colours? That’s precisely the gift that dreamwork brings.


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