Episode 57 The Dream Show: Anatomy lesson

Episode 57 The Dream Show Jane Teresa Anderson

My guest, Kate, dreamed she chopped off her leg so she could look inside the calf muscle.

She sort of managed to put it back together but, well, you know, the leg bone’s connected to the ankle bone and that ankle bone, she realised, would need microsurgery to get it working again.

Along the way she got angry with her healer and glimpsed a scorpion, momentarily, like a flashcard across her dream.

Meanwhile, in waking life, Kate has been on medication for a six week migraine, but it’s not working for her.

Can we fit these puzzle pieces together? You bet we can! Listen to how everything relates: the dream, the migraine, Kate’s waking life.

And, of course, we uncover an unconscious core belief that needs to be transformed, and we create a dream alchemy visualisation to do this. Enjoy witnessing the process of interpretation and alchemy, and the intricate ways in which mind and body communicate with us in waking life and in dreams.

You can listen here (Episode 57)

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