Hello and welcome!
I’m Jane Teresa Anderson, dream analyst, dream therapist, mentor, author of eight books, creator of The Dream Academy online courses, host of ‘The Dream Show with Jane Teresa Anderson’ podcast, and frequent dream expert guest in the media.
Originally trained as a scientist, my approach to interpreting and working with dreams is both an art and a science, based on my independent research and deep work with clients for over 32 years.
Online Dream Courses
Start today! Instant access in the comfort of your home. Videos, PDF notes, and charts. Go at your own pace. Revisit as many times as you wish.
Begin with How to interpret your dreams where you gain access to my step-by-step system which guides you through interpreting your dreams meaningfully, rewarding you with rich insight into yourself and your life.
Other courses include: Dream Alchemy and Professional Dream Therapy.
I am the author of seven books on dreams and dreaming and one fiction novel. I have been published by Hachette, Little Brown (Piatkus), Random House, and Harper Collins.
My most recent book is my debut novel, Ninth Life, published in 2024:
‘Fully commits to a quirky premise with a surprisingly rich payoff.’ – IndieReader
‘Of course, it is the furry star of this narrative who steals the show.’ – Kirkus Reviews
‘The prose is crisp, and the dialogues sparkle from page to page.’ – The Book Commentary
The Dream Show is a free podcast series in which I interpret my guests’ dreams and share dream interpretation tips & insights.
Episode 289 The Dream Show: The portal
My guest today is Carolina Bakker, the Rat Race Recovery Coach, who dreamed of passing through a portal, a point of no return. Carolina joins me from Porto, Portugal (yes,
Interlude 1 The Dream Show: Sleeping with strangers
This is our first INTERLUDE podcast for The Dream Show! Four weeks can be a long time to wait between our hour-long episodes featuring guests, so I’ve designed these short
I have been blogging since 2009 about dreams, writing, and magical moments in life. You’ll find hundreds of blogs here.
Spoken clues
What is the difference between a thief and a robber? A client dreamed there was an intruder in his house. He couldn’t see him, but he could sense him. “What