Soul mate dreams

Soul Mate Dreams Jane Teresa Anderson

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Have you met your soul mate in your dreams? Perhaps you have glimpsed your soul mate on the horizon, heard his voice, felt his presence.

Or maybe you have been magnetically drawn to look deeply into your dream soul mate’s eyes, seeing perfect love within. Or felt his unwavering support, his total commitment to you, his ability to help you along your way, knowing exactly what you need. Or felt his embrace, protective, lingering, heart-tripping, a promise or fulfilment of passionately loving sex.

Have you woken up wishing you could capture the details of his face, or with his features firmly etched into your heart? Have you wondered how to find him, where to begin your search to find the man – or woman – of your dreams?

This experience is so warm, real, and uplifting that many a dreamer has spurned other lovers and endlessly searched, for the search is endless. The dream soul mate does not exist – except deep within your own soul.

This dream comes up when it’s time for you to connect with all those wonderful qualities you sensed in your dream soul mate – to find and connect with these qualities within you. They are there! You wouldn’t have felt them in your dream if they were not! It’s time for you to bring these qualities up from where they are hiding or latent in your unconscious, and introduce them to the light of day.

Dreams love to play with words. When you look deeply into your dream lover’s eyes, you are looking – and feeling – deeply into your own ‘I’. You are ‘I to I’ or face to face with yourself. Well, not face to face perhaps, but soul to soul, through your eyes, the windows of the soul.

Name the three top qualities you admired or longed for in your dream soul mate, the qualities that warmed and completed you. These are the qualities you need to locate within yourself, and nourish and encourage into your everyday being. Here’s the best secret of all. When you connect with your inner soul mate, your perfect partner usually appears in your life, attracted by … his soul mate, you.

[This blog is an extract from 101 Dream Interpretation Tips, Jane Teresa Anderson.]

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8 comments on “Soul mate dreams”

  1. A

    I had a dream like this last night – with Ryan Gosling! I am happily married with children but it was such a beautiful dream I couldn’t forget it. Imagine my surprise when I googled it and saw the picture at the top of the page. Spooky!

    • Jane Teresa Anderson

      I love it. So, begin by asking yourself, ‘Which three words would I use to describe Ryan Gosling’s personality or approach to life? (Answer quickly, no thinking!)

  2. tearlily

    I have had a couple dreams with a different guy in each and they have felt like my soul mate. Just last night I had one so I am looking it up now and found this. It makes sense…but its sad to think I wont find the guys in my dreams. In my last dream I dreampt about a guy who was so sweet and kind and he was reassuring me about staying calm? He held one of my hands and then grabbed my other hand and some strange red-orange glow appeared and he said it was to keep us calm and we walked across this strange dark wood like field and I was calm but we went past a cemetery? We went to different places later in the dream but it felt different like we were together? It was a strange dream that probably occurred because of crazy books and movies but when I woke up I felt lost and sad he wasn’t real. I feel like I have met my soil mate in real life before but because of our age difference we didn’t exchange numbers and I felt so bent out of shape for a while. Then I found out I missed seeing him at the same place we met by one day and thebsame feeling happened? Sorry for the long thing but it seemed like you might have some input in all of my confusion with soul mates.

    • Jane Teresa Anderson

      Hi Tearlily,

      Yes, these soul mate dreams feel so wonderful that it can feel so disappointing to discover the real meaning of these dreams. But the interesting thing is, that if you begin to expand and grow those beautiful qualities into your own nature, waking life has a wonderful way of presenting you with a real human soul mate. It works like this: when you’re more ‘whole’ you’re ready to meet a wonderfully ‘whole’ person – and you’ll attract him too. Your dream emphasises the importance of calm, so there’s something – calm – to bring more into your life. Remember I offer various professional services (click the tabs on the menu bar on this site) to help you understand your dreams – and your life, if that’s what you want.

      Hope this helps,

      Jane Teresa

  3. Apple

    HI- So my boyfriend tells me he had a dream where he was holding me in his arms. We were kissing and just staring into each others eyes. Apparently he knew he wanted to do more, but he couldn’t help but to just hold me and kiss me, like he couldn’t get enough of it. He says he couldn’t see where we were, that he could only see me in his dream. We have known each other for 9 years now, almost 10. I knew from the first moment he was the one. Does his dream in any way represent this as well? that we are soul mates…

    • Jane Teresa Anderson

      Hi Apple, Wouldn’t it be great if the dream was literally true, but that’s not the way dreams work. You may be soul mates, you may not be. But your boyfriend’s dream is all about him. Have another look at the article and read some of my replies in this thread, and you’ll get the picture. Also read some of the other articles in my blog, and listen to some of The Dream Show podcasts ( and you’ll get the feel of how dreams work.

      Enjoy discovering how deeply insightful dreams can be.

      Jane Teresa

    • Jane Teresa Anderson

      Hi Angie,

      It’s saying ‘everything he was’ is the energy/feeling you were attracted to bringing into your life in the day or two before your dream. If the dream soul mate was ‘bad’ but attractive in the dream, ask yourself what the good quality was that you were attracted to. A guy might be really ‘bad’ but have a sense of play that was the real attractive feature, for example.
      Hope this helps. Book a consultation if you’d like to share the details so I can help you properly with your unique dream. ( The article here is really a guideline.
      Many blessings,
      Jane Teresa

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